2014 | 2013 to 1988 |
–December 2014. Is the “Arena” being resurrected?, Main Street Unionville Community Vision – Final Position –November, 2014. GO Station Parking Capacity, York University, Times Group (NE Corner Village Pkwy and Hwy 7), Emergency Preparedness –October, 2014. Constitutional Amendments –September, 2014. Unionville Main Street Vision Plan, Markham Centre Mobility Hub, York University, GO Transit Rail Service Expansion, Emerald Ash Borer, Rouge National Urban Park –June, 2014. Main Street Master Plan, Stiver Mill Opening, Pan Am/Parapan Games –May, 2014. “Casino”, Population Forecasts, Designation of French Services, Multi-Use Plan from 16th Avenue to Bob Hunter Park –April, 2014. Markham Business Entertainment Complex, Markham Centre Development Corp, Population Forecasts, GO Train Anti-Whistle, Markham Municipal Energy Plan –March, 2014. Main Street Master Plan, Section 37 Funds and Projects, Markham Centre Development Corp, Markham Public Library –February, 2014. Unionville Main St Bylaw Permissions, York Downs, Cell Tower at 100 Carleton Rd, Litchfield Developments, 3912-3928 Highway 7 Development, GO Transit improvements –January, 2014. Ice storm 2013, Emergency Preparedness, GO Rail Corridor Expansion | –December, 2013. Markham Sports, Entertainment and Cultural Centre (“Arena”), Toogood Pond improvements, Integrity Commissioner, Main St. Unionville Precinct Plan, Funding for Public Transit –November, 2013. Markham Sports, Entertainment and Cultural Centre (“Arena”), Main Street Unionville “Charette” followup –March, 2003. Markham Centre Development, Millennium Bandstand, Stiver Mill, Sale of Unionville Golf Centre, Preserving Main Street’s Character –November, 1999. Amalgamation, Unionville Millennium Projects, Rouge River Setbacks –May, 1999. Heritage Conservation District, Rouge River and Valley Setbacks –November, 1998. Stiver Mill –May, 1998. Infrastructure, Garbage Crisis, Las Vegas North, Traffic and Transit –October, 1997. Unionville Main Street Heritage District –October, 1996. User-Pay Garbage, Main St. Heritage Designation –November, 1995. Fred Varley Art Gallery –Summer, 1988. Fonthill/Fred Varley Drive development, Save the Rouge Valley system, Main Street Unionville, Winter Carnival |